– Download firmware – HOME edition
För att ladda ner den nya firmware klicka på den blå länken. Instruktioner om hur du uppdaterar den fasta programvaran beskrivs under sidorna 1216H Info och Start up 1216H .
Obs!: Packa alltid upp bin-filen inuti zip-filen innan du uppdaterar!
Notera också !: Om du har firmware/programvara version 1.8 eller äldre installerad måste du först installera den här filen.
Från och med version 4.0 har firmware delats upp i två utgåvor: “HAM” och “HOME”. HAM-radioutgåvan har den funktionalitet som behövs för att styra antenner, rotatorer etc. HOME-utgåvan används för hemautomatiseringsuppgifter. Versionsträdet 3.x kommer fortfarande att vara tillgängligt men endast för underhåll, som buggfixar etc.
>>>Uppgradera inte med HOME-versionen om du tänker använda Webswitch för HAM-radiouppgifter!<<<
Version 4.x HOME har nu släppts som en “beta”-version. Den föreslagna användningen är för att testa de nya funktionerna och ge oss feedback om det eftersom det innehåller många ändringar. När du uppgraderar från äldre versioner föreslås det att du använder funktionen “Exportera inställningar(bin)” innan du uppgraderar om en nedgradering är nödvändig.
Hem> WebSwitch 1216H
Hem> WebSwitch 1216H Hem > 3.02
- Advanced settings > temperatur.nu > temperatur.nu / lat/lon
- Advanced settings > Distance
- Dynamic DNS settings > Dynamic DNS status OK
- 1216H WebSwitch HOME Extended 4.114 WebSwitch 1216H google WebSwitch 1216Hmicrosoft
- Reading/controlling via HTTP
- Relay 1-5 (Webswitch 1216H HOME App – Microsoft-appar / WebSwitch 1216H Home – Appar på Google Play)
- Analog input > Max/Min
- Import settings(bin)
- Analog sensor 1-3 (%,V,A,etc)
- Advanced settings > temperatur.nu site
- Car Warm Up
- lwip-2.1.3 (lwip-2.1.2)
- v4.78 – v4.97 =Väntar, 4 minuter >“Firmware-fil OK, blinkar!Sidan laddas om automatiskt om 0 sekunder”
- ACP > Temperaturer > Virtuella sensorer
- spänningsåterställning
- Temp/RH/Thermo > ACP
- “Temperaturer:” > “Max/Min”:
-55°C till +125°C
-270 till +1013 - Virtuella sensorer > XX.X(0-9)
- “Visa hjälp” > “4.XX”
- “Webb” > “Val som helst virtuell temperatursensor”
- Fjärrstyrda webbswitchar
- Temp/RH/Termo
- “Övervakning” > “Larmtemp(C)/RH/nivå” / “Återställ temp(C)/RH/nivå” > “−32.767, +32.767″ (−127, +127)
Version 4.89 HOME-utgåva:
1/ Programuppgradering > Version 4.85 HOME-utgåva
2/ Bootloader-uppgradering > Version 1.15
3/ Programuppgradering > Version 4.89 HOME-utgåva
- Hem > Android 2.11
Version 4.85 HOME-utgåva:
1/ Applikationsuppgradering > Version 4.85 HOME edition OLD
2/ Bootloader-uppgradering > Version 1.15 NYTT
3/ Applikationsuppgradering > Version 4.85 HOME-utgåva
- Hem > Android 2.9
- 4,28 > 4,72
- Fjärrstyrda webbswitchar etc.
- Analog ingång: > Analog sensornamn 1-3
- Termoelement
- Systeminfo > Ext. IP/webbserver
- Rand x 20. (höjning/sänkning)
- Soltillstånd. (röd blå)
- http://[webbväxlingsadress]/difftemp/[1-25]
- http://[webbswitch-adress]/sun/rises
- http://[webbswitchadress]/sun/sets
- http://[webswitch adress]/relaycontrol/pulse/[relay]
relay=1-10 - Robotar
- Denkovi 8 reläbox
- “Serial settings”> “Raw”
- “Serial A baudrate” > “115200”
- lwip 2.1.2
- Work around for bug in smartsms webservice. tetx changed in alarm/reset messages.
- Added support for new flash memory, no new functionality
Important! If you have a Webswitch with bootloader v 1.13 or later you can NOT install older versions than 4.27. If you do that you will brick your Webswitch and need to send it to us to recover it.
This is a release with lots of changes so if you install it we suggest keeping an extra eye on how it behaves as well as using ‘Export settings(bin)’ to save the settings before upgrading
- Added ‘virtual’ temperature sensors. They use two physical temperature sensors readings to show a difference between them. Makes it possible to control using relative temperatures.
- Nexa switches can now be used as digital inputs in Auto Control Programs(ACP). If ‘Use received Nexa codes’ is enabled then a Nexa remote sending a previously programmed code can be used as part on an Auto Control Program rule.
- Fixed a bug in relay pulse when using local 1-wire relays.
- ACP overrides now have two more options, ‘On, then Off’ and ‘Off, then Off’. The relay will be forced on/off for the set time and then the override is set to off/on.
- ACP settings redesigned with separate digital input and state fields.
- Now possible to get max/min temperatures as well as last time for temperature reset via HTTP-REST.
- Car Warm Up now has two new overrides, ‘Skip today’ and ‘Skip tomorrow’.
- Remote WS bug fixes.
- Added support for the new 1216P I/O 1-wire card.
- DynDNS client improvements.
- The relay pulse function now treats values of 11 and higher as ‘seconds x 15′ making it possible to pulse a relay for up to 255 x 15 seconds. Values 1-10 means like before 1-10 seconds.
- Fixed a bug in Car Warm Up causing Nexa remotes not getting periodically updates in certain cases.
- Added support for hardware version 4.
- The 1-wire temperature sensors are now always scanned with one seconds interval, regardless of number of sensors.
- Several improvements in the Remote-WS feature.
- Added ‘Toggle and reboot’ mode to the Ping feature.
- Added support for sending monitor alerts as SMS using www.nexmo.com or www.smartsms.nu.
- Fixed a bug in monitor alerts’ email sending function which could cause emails not to be sent.
- Added possibility to read max/min temperatures via HTTP-REST.
- Fixed a temperatur.nu bug which could prevent getting the temperatures.
- The Set Relays page has been changed to better support visual impaired users using screen readers.
- No longer possible to activate more than one relay simultaneously using HTTP-REST commands if “Only one relay ON simultaneously” is active.
- Fixed a bug which could cause monitoring email not to be sent.
- Fixed a bug which could prevent the remote serial TCP port from reconnecting if the connection to the other side was lost.
- Better handling of web browser which send “TCP Reset” instead of a normal “TCP Close”. Could in some cases cause the Webswitch to reset. Still could cause pages to fail loading, either the whole page or partially, but a reload of the page often fixes that.
- Misc. improvements.
- Added support for “only one relay on simultaneously” in the phone Apps. (Requires updated Apps too)
- Fixed wrong format(HTML syntax errors) on the temperature page.
- The Free Memory function showed too little memory available.
- The HTTP-REST commands /relaystate/get and /relaystate/get2 missed HTTP headers.
- Added connection status for 1-wire devices.
- Improvements in the DNS and NTP functions to better handle ISPs which blocks the DNS and NTP ports.
- Added DNS and NTP status to the System Info page.
- Misc. fixes and improvements.
- Fixed a bug which prevented the use of temperature sensors DS1820 and DS1820 at position 2 in the 1-wire device list when using the Heat/Fan functions.
- New feature which enables easy network setup in combination with Setup Manager(1.27 and newer)
- Added “Last WD reset” info on the System Info page. Shows the last restart reason if the restart was on purpose.
- Remote WS fixes: More error messages when scanning remote WS, etc.
- Added “raw” mode to the remote serial port.
- The min/max temperature reset button was missing.
- Remote serial port(RFC2217) improvements.
- Added support for two new 1-wire devices, a dual digital input and a single digital output.
- Fixed a display error for temperatures between -1C and +1C.
- Changed the Fan Control feature to Difference control which enables to keep for ex. the inside temperature a selectable degrees above the outside temperature.
- Added support for Remote Webswitch input/output devices in the extended version.
- “Tillfälligt inaktivera 5 minuter” för Nexas fjärrkontroller inaktiverar inte manuell kontroll.
- Förbättringar när du skickar övervakningsmail.
- Lade till fler HTTP-REST-kommandon.
- Lade till en ny avancerad inställning som heter Använd mottagna Nexa-koder som gör att Webswitch kan ställa in status för Nexa-fjärrkontroller enligt mottagna Nexa-koder från en Nexa-fjärrkontroll.
- Tillståndet för Ping-aktionsreläet kan väljas.
- USB-förbättringar som förhindrar att vissa datorer hänger sig när de till exempel skickar inställningar med hjälp av Setup Manager.
- Möjligt att ange ett eget namn för de två inbyggda digitala ingångarna.
- Övrigt andra förbättringar.